Hi girls! Hair coloring, straightening, curling may have damaged your hair. Here are some natural herbs for a fast growing hair.
1 Coconut oil
coconut oil is a magical Herb which grows hair faster. Improves thickness and conditions hair. Gives hair a shiny look.
egg white is a nutritious natural hair conditioner. It makes the scalp healthy and gives a nice shiny strong hair.
1 Coconut oil

2 Avacado
Avacado is a good natural conditioner. It can be used with olive oil as a hair mask before having a bath. It gives a nice shiny and strong hair.
3 Olive oil
Olive oil is a herb which controls hair fall. It darkens hair and make hair look shiny. If you want a dark black hair, olive oil is the answer.
4 Eggs

5 Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is a natural anti dandruff. It moisturizes the scalp and fasts hair growth. Aloe vera is good for damaged hair too.
6 Banana
Banana extract is a natural moisturizer. Use banana on your hair for a shiny and silky hair.
7 Rosmary
Rosmary extract is known for a fast hair growing herb for years. It is a good herb for a healthy scalp and a healthy hair.
8 Curry Leaves
Curry leaves are mostly used in Asian countries. Curry leaves are brewed in coconut oil and use as a hair conditioner which gives magical results.
9 Onions
Onions fasts hair growth and makes scalp healthy. It gives hair a shiny silky look
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